考研面试自我介绍英文 -k8体育

参加考研的你,要抓住面试自我介绍环节表现自己,英文的自我介绍更要做好。下面小编精心整理了一些考研面试自我介绍英文的例文,希望可以帮到你! 考研面试自我介绍英文篇一




  good morning, everyone! i am glad to be here for this interview. first, let me introduce myself to you. my name is qin jiayin. i was born on april 23, 1981. i am a local person.i am graduating from jilin normal university this june. i major in chinese literature. i hope i could get the opportunity to finish my postgraduate courses in jilin university which i have desired for a long time. i have the confidence because i have such ability! i am a girl who is fervent, outgoing and creative. at the same time, i think i am quick in mind and careful in everything. i am looking forward to my postgraduate studies and life. i will soon prove that your decision of choosing me is the wisest. thank you for giving me such a valuable opportunity! 

  reasons for taking postgraduate exams:

  first of all, i love my major. chinese literature is the symbol of the start of chinese literary modernization. it plays an important part in modernization of our citizens’ thoughts. what’s more, modern literature is very close to our daily life and it can deeply reflect the styles and features of our society. i am fascinated by the great masters’ refreshing or warm or profound styles as well. but i am not easily satisfied with such superficial knowledge. i hope i could have a better understanding in modern literature by studying further. this is a very important reason for me to take the postgraduate exams.

  next, i love the feeling in the university. it is full of youthful spirit. and i am deeply attracted by the scholarly atmosphere. and the most important, it’s my great honor to open my ears to your teaching.

  finally, i want to talk about a very practical problem. that is my dream of becoming a teacher in the university. i want to realize my dream and make myself to be a well-qualified person. i think the postgraduate studies can enrich my knowledge and make me competent in my future job.

  that’s my simple and clear reasons why i took the postgraduate exams.


  good morning, everyone! i am glad to be here for this interview. first, let me introduce myself to you. my name is li ming. i was born on april 23, 1981. i am a local person. i am graduating from university this june. i major in chinese literature.

  i hope i could get the opportunity to finish my postgraduate courses in peking university which i have desired for a long time. i have the confidence because i have such ability! i am a girl who is fervent, outgoing and creative. at the same time, i think i am quick in mind and careful in everything. i am looking forward to my postgraduate studies and life. i will soon prove that your decision of choosing me is the wisest. thank you for giving me such a valuable opportunity!


  respected professors,good afternoon! i'm great honored to meet you here.now allow me to give a brief self-introduction.

  i'm ,26 years old , born in city , province.in the year of ,i entered university, majoring in machincal designing and producing. during those 4 years'study,i worked hard and i was always active in various activities. i gained the first scholarship for four times and i joined the communist party at the college.

  after my graduation in june ,i worked in company. i got a position in the technology department the first year and i was involved in several internet projects, such as the one for college student recruitment in henan province and the one for computer center in mathmatics department in zhengzhou university. owning to my hard work ,i was awarded the best newcomer prize in the year . the next year, i was transferred into the principal customer department, responsible for developing and strengthening a good relationship between the principal customers and my company. two major customers, henan provincipal department of transportation and henan provincial department of personnel, are under my work.

  however,with time going on ,the more i experienced, the clearer i realized that i'm really interested in the enterprise management .i find many enterprises have the problem of an unmatched management to its developing speed . i'm eager to learn more about management and i hope i can study further in this university.

  so i resigned in august , 2008 and started the way to pursuing my studies. after about half year's hard work, i'm finally standing before your honorable professors now. i'm really excited. though i've sacrificed much on my way to pusuing studies, i believe it's worthwhile. i believe working hard will finally be prepared. thank you !



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