研究生毕业招聘面试自我介绍英文 -k8体育

研究生毕业后,参加招聘面试时,做好自我介绍很有必要,英文的自我介绍你准备好了吗?以下是小编帮你们整理的研究生毕业招聘面试英文自我介绍,一起来学习啦。 研究生毕业招聘面试英文



  my name is jiang wei. i spent both my undergraduate and postgraduate time in uestc , major at information and system.

  i dream of being an excellent engineer ,that’s the reason i chose uestc and my present major. i hope i will be an expert in this field. to achieve this goal , i focused on learning my major courses hardly and got good marks. in the past one and a half years, i accumulated a lot of practical project experiences and skills in the lab . this makes me approach my dream.

  on campus, i joined in many activities, such as singing contest, dance party, hike, riding bicycle, english corner. i am outgoing and enjoy communicating with others.

  i am a highly-motivated person. i always feel compelled to improve and improve myself again until make myself a better person.

  i like travelling very much because i always find something interesting and exiting in a new place. i know this job needs you to travel a lot, but i enjoy it.

  only you really love something then you will put yourself completely into it and try your best to achieve perfection. through a comprehensive analysis to myself , i believe i am suitable for this job and i love it so i can do it well. ericsson is such an excellent and respectable company and i dream of working here.


  good morning,madam and sir!it’s a great honor for me to meet you here today. i would like to introduce myself for you. my name is ***** and my admission number is *****. i come from *** county, ** province. *** county is also called general county, for it has ever made 54 generals in history. every year thousands of people get patriotic education there.

  in 2004, i was admitted to school of college of mathematics and computer science,guangxi normal university in guilin. i majored in computer science. i have been interested in my major since i was in middle school, because computer can make our life easy. my college teachers were very patient, friendly and knowledgeable. i learned a lot in college, such as how to study, how to get along with others and so on. i also learned independence and the importance of working hard. in 2008, i graduated from college with honor. college life was wonderful and unforgettable. it’s one of the most important parts in my life.

  now i work as a teacher in a middle school in *****. i teach computer science there. i try my best to be a good teacher. i’m responsible and work very hard. i love my students. they are very young, happy and clever. in order to take entrance exam for graduate, i spend most of spare time on studying. of course i often play badmintonwith my colleagues or with my students. my favorite is studying, especially, discussing and solving the problem with others, because i can learn much from my partners, and i can express my own opinion. i like computer science, especially, computer architecture. i want to have different challenges in my life.that’s all, thank you.


  my name is xx, a postgraduate student from tianjinuniversity, and will get my master degree in march 2007.

  i'd like to summarize myself from 3 aspects:

  first, i'm an excellent learner. in my sophomore year, ipassed the entrance examination to the excellent student program in tianjin universityand was recommended as the postgraduate student with special courses, and theni joined the ibm center in tianjin university. after finishing my undergraduatecourses, my gpa was 3.8 out of 4.5.

  second, i'm an excellent problem-solver. during the last 4years, i have finished 5projects, including the hydraulic engineering projectmanagement system, and soon. and i took part in the mathematical contest inmodeling in2003 and won the second prize in tianjin region.

  last, i'man excellent team player. i've been serving as the monitor for 6 years and teamleader for2 years. and besides taking more responsibilities, i also placedgreat emphasison teamwork, in order to meet the team's goal

  xxcompany is a very famous company in the china. what’s more, i have greatinterest in joining this company as it has a perfect system and trainingprograms, i feel i can gain the most from working in this company. that isthe reason why i come here to compete for this position.

  it refersto my personality, i think i'm a good team player and i'm a person of great honesty toothers. also i am able to work under great pressure.

  if i weregiven a chance to work, i promise that i will try my best to work hard and iwill spare no effort to be a qualified programmer.

  ok,that’s all. thank you very much for you time and attention.



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