单招面试英语自我介绍带翻译 -k8体育

参加单招面试的你,做好英文自我介绍很有必要,那么英文的自我介绍你学会做了吗?以下是小编帮你们整理的单招面试英语自我介绍带翻译,一起来学习啦。 单招面试英语自我介绍带翻译篇一



  good afternoon, teachers:

  i am from * * middle school, and i am honored to be here today to introduce myself to your teachers.

  i have a wide range of interests, good grades, and good at science. i love sports. love to play badminton, tennis, especially like football, i learned from the football the sport team cooperation and strive, i have made the first performance of the school sports meeting. i love technology and have won awards in various technology competitions. i love reading and painting, and i love to focus and picture life with words and brushes. in the midst of the sea one hundred anniversary last year experience let me enjoy the charm of the sea for the first time, perhaps the third campus learning into the sea, i also feel more culture in the sea. i have a strong personality and i will give up on speaking out of turn. i will stick to my faith in my studies and in my life. i believe that in the future, i will be able to rely on his own efforts, carry on the sea "kingston product mechanical atmospheric excellence" spirit, dedicated for sea new one hundred years of brilliant.

  that is my introduction, thank you!



  我兴趣广泛,成绩优异,擅长于理科学习。我热爱体育。爱打羽毛球、网球,尤其喜欢足球,从足球这项运动中我学会了团队合作与拼搏奋斗,我也曾在校运动会上取得过第一的佳绩。我热爱科技,并曾在各类科技竞赛中获奖。我喜爱阅读与绘画,喜爱用文字与画笔去关注和描绘生活。去年参加海中百年校庆的经历让我第一次领略到海中的魅力,也许是初三就进入海中校园学习的缘故,我也更多地感受到海中的文化底蕴。我个性执著不轻言放弃,无论是在学习还是生活中,我都会坚守自己的信念,努力地拼搏和奋斗。我相信,在将来,我一定能凭借自己的努力,发扬海中“敦品 力学 大气 卓越”的精神,为海中新百年的辉煌奉献自己的力量。



  the honorable admissions teacher:


  my name is xxx, girl, i'm eighteen years old. it is xxx high three (x) class students.

  first of all, i would like to thank you for giving me such an opportunity to accept your selection. at the same time, i want to thank my parents and those teachers who have always cared for me and loved me. they taught me how to be a man and how to be self-reliant. secondly, i want to thank my classmates for their accompanying me all the way.

  i this person, sometimes calm thinking, deal with the problem, but most of the time, i am a leap to jump, speak outspoken "careless".

  i like reading, especially poetry and prose. when she poetic language shock my heart, i usually the best way to treat it, it is read aloud, i feel that he can get the sublimation of the soul.

  i am a natural optimist. i always say nothing to myself when i fall, and i always get up quickly. my world is a world that never fails.

  at this moment, i am looking forward to a wider world waiting for me to make the next move. i believe that in this new university campus, i can be friends with many students from different areas. i will remain optimistic, as always, to infect everyone around me.

  i have always believed that my world is a dynamic world, because i will always fly higher and higher.



  我叫xxx ,女,今年18 岁。是xxx 高三(x )班学生。


  我这人,有时会沉静地去思考、处理问题,但绝大多数时候,我是一个蹦蹦跳跳、说话口无遮拦的“ 马大哈” .



  此刻,我期待着将有一块更广阔的天地等待我去作下一次前行。我相信,在这崭新的大学校园中,我能够和众多来自不同区域的同学成为朋友。 我仍将一如既往保持乐观的心态,去感染身边的每一个人。



  dear teacher,


  i am xxx from xx school in xx. i hope to realize my dream of studying in your university through the independent recruitment of your university.

  three years of high school life will be over, your university has a long history, profound culture, rich teaching resources, strong academic atmosphere, strong times breath, cultivate many outstanding talents for the society. i want to choose your university as the first choice, very eager to get your school admission notice in july next year, to become a glorious xx school students, to become a useful talents for society, to the motherland.

  in the process of many years of study, academic performance has been leading in the childhood, i was admitted to the ideal high school with his efforts – xx middle school, after three years of temper, i have already grow up to be strong, profound, mature inside collect, deeply loves the life, has the compassion, caring, self-motivated, the excellent student, intelligence and physique full scale development.

  i am an optimistic young man. love life, adversity is not fear, it is full of faith and hope. i believe that my hard work will make me a successful dream. i like to feel happy, i hope to convey happiness to each and every one around me, i cheered for the strong, for the weak tears, i believe that send people rose the hand leaves lingering fragrance. i use my sincerity to earn good classmates, and the teachers are very approbation to me, which comes from my pure, candid and warm personality.

  xx university is my dream university hall, if i had the opportunity to progress your school this time, i will make clear direction, can learn more knowledge in the university, is not only the knowledge, more dedicated to the motherland and contribute strength for national rejuvenation of sentiment. i will try to join some groups, bbs and all kinds of activities, exercise my ability, to hone myself as a university students have unique culture grade, extraordinary talents and good comprehensive quality of talents.

  "good wind gives me a green cloud with strength." i look forward to becoming a student in your college in the near future, and your university is the most meaningful one in my college.











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