幼儿园英文面试自我介绍 -k8体育

幼儿园面试时,面试者最好拿出最好的英文自我介绍,让面试官留下好印象。以下是小编帮你们整理的幼儿园英文面试自我介绍范文,一起来学习啦。 幼儿园英文面试自我介绍范文篇一



  i graduated from the teachers college teachers xx professional, this year 21 years old, have love and sense of responsibility, for the different stages of child care, children can focus on their aptitude.

  i worked in nanchong city, sichuan province, china west normal university affiliated kindergarten, kindergarten mingshan county in sichuan and chengdu yandaojie foreign language school miller international kindergarten three kindergartens were interned for one to two months, and then in yandaojie foreign language school primary school department one month internship, internship at the kindergarten teaching period, there are patience and little friends together to complete the learning and games, and in the life of active concern and help.

  not only teach children to learn the textbook knowledge, but also pay attention to cultivate their interest in learning, cultivate the team cooperation ability and the ability in the activities of the organization so that each of the children are able to fully display themselves and play their strengths. in the work i am proactive, hard-working, in practice, a lot of growth, enrich my profession, learned more practical knowledge, but also won the leadership of teachers. in the future work, i will continue to learn and improve their own. please give me a chance, i will use the actual action to prove my ability!


  my name is .i woulld like to apply for this job of english teacher for children.

  my plan for the furture is that i would like to stay with children and share the moments in their lives and provide them with helpful advice. making friends with them and letting them feel you are the one they can talk and trust.plus i like english very much.with this idea,i want to combine my love for children with my ability of english together,so i can work in a pleasant environment doing the great things i enjoy doing.

  i consider myself with rich potential of qualitying out as a good english teacher.i have a heart for children,a loving and caring heart.and i would certainly place it upon my students,being their close friend and sister.while with my creative and relaxing english teaching method,students would learn english through interacting with me or the others instead of being told what to say.

  i am also very open-minded and easy-going,which will make myself a popular figure everywhere.and of course i am very much the type of the girl next door.always willing to take in suggestions and create a fun classroom for our next generation.

  i believe i've said quite enough of myself. i hope you now know more about me than just now. i would certainly cherish this job and get along very well with all people out here.i thank you very much again for giving me this opportunity to talk with you.

  i look forward to hearing good news from you soon.

  thank you !


  hello everyone. nice to meet you. i’m very happy to stand here to teach you. you know, this is the first time we meet each other, so let me introduce myself to you. my family name is cheng, and my english name is mark. so you can call me mr. cheng or mark. this year is my animal year. i graduated from hubei university of technology.

  business english is my major. in my spare time i like listening to music and play ping-pong.

  in my class, i hope all of you study hard and cooperate with my teaching. i think you will have a happy time in my class. otherwise you will encounter (meet) a lot of trouble.

  in my opinion, it’s easy to study english well, but you must do it well in the following aspects. for example, listen carefully and make notes in my class. finish your homework on time.you should read, listen, speak and write english everyday. as we all know practice make perfect.



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