最常见的方法便是找谐音。别看有些名字看上去普通,一旦中英文相结合时就会迸发出无限魅力。比如,有位同学名叫虞慧亮,他的介绍如下:my chinese name is yu huiliang. and people call me “fish can light”。 这样一段自我介绍是不是让你捧腹大笑不止呢?当然,如果对方是外国人就可以进一步和他解释名字在中文里的谐音联想。再比如,王媛同学在自我介绍是这么说的:my name is wang yuan. and you can also call me one yuan. but that doesn’t mean i only value one yuan. i am a person who never lose a chance to improve my value。
比如,电影《美食总动员》一开场,鼠小弟就介绍了自己,颇具个性。内容如下:this is me. i think it&39;s apparent i need to rethink my life a little bit. what&39;s my problem? first of all, i&39;m a rat, which means life is hard. and second, i have a highly developed sense of taste and smell. flour, eggs, sugar, vanilla bean… oh! small twist of lemon。
常常听到有同学自我介绍用“small eyes”、“big head”这些极具外貌鲜明特征的词来形容自己。下面以一位自称“small eyes”的同学的自我介绍为例:my name is small eye. as you can see, my eyes are just as straight as a line. and when i smile, you won’t even see them at all. so my friends give me this nickname “small eyes”. you can just call me this!
打个比方,有同学采用《动物世界》标配升级版开始了这样一段自我介绍:在辽阔的中国大陆上,生活着这样一个热血青年,他上知天文,下知地理,数理化任他行,生活习惯良好。再比如说,借马丁·路德·金(martin luther king)的“i have a dream”,有位名字叫“一婷”的同学这么介绍自己:i have a dream that i will live a life that i will never regret. i have a dream that i will never change my name “yiting”, sounds like “eating” in english, which is the daily topic of everybody. i have a dream that i will be your forever friend。
因此,自我介绍一定要突出自己最大的特点,让他人在短时间内不费吹灰之力(as easy as blowing away dust)就可以记住你,在不经意间对你产生兴趣,进而展开下一步交谈。希望大家好好准备自我介绍,不仅可以帮助你在雅思考试中脱颖而出,也可以让你结识到更多的朋友哦!