面试外企英文自我介绍(第一天外企上班英文自我介绍) -k8体育





hi everybody! it's really my honor to be here to introduce myself.(大家好,今 够在这里介绍我自己真的是我莫大的荣幸)
my name is ##.i'm ## years old.i was graduated from ## (学校名字).my major is ##.(我叫##,今年##岁,我毕业于##学校,我学得是##专业。)i'm very good at ##.(我很擅长##。)
……..(建议你自己在补充一些内容吧,比如:家庭成员或者工作经历或者是在校获得的荣誉自己的特长等。 你说的不具体,所以我只能帮你列格式。)
i hope i can get the job,and i will try my best to do it well.(我真诚的希望我能得到这份工作,我一定会尽最大的努力去完成每项任务)
that's all.thanks for your attention.(我说完了,感谢您的倾听!)

由于你给的内容不详细,所以我只能给你一个开头和末尾的基 式,希望能够对你有所帮助吧!祝你成功!



外企面试一分钟英文自我介绍 篇1
good morning, my name is jack, it is really a great honor to have this opportunity for a interview, i would like to answer whatever you may raise, and i hope i can make a good performance today, eventually enroll in this prestigious university in 外企面试一分钟英文自我介绍 篇2
nice to meet you!my name is xxx,i am twenty years old. i major in touri and hotel management at xian foreign affairs college and then i will graduate in june this i am working in mei hua jin tang banquet hall, i want to work at the front desk to learn some more knowledges so please give me a chance,i will try my best to do 外企面试一分钟英文自我介绍 篇3
im ma li. i am a system engineer for ibm. my job is to develop new computer software and i enjoy the job very much, because software development is very creative and imaginative work. so if anyone here is interested in computer and computer software, please let me know. we can spend hours talking about 外企面试一分钟英文自我介绍 篇4
i am cheerful, good communication, humble and confident. while the new work environment and different from the i believe that through their own efforts and the eisting basis for the work can quickly be competent, and i am confident!
外企面试一分钟英文自我介绍 篇5
hello, its a pleasure to meet you all. i am yu lin jeng. i am from shanghai ,china. this is my third trip to the united states, and i really enjoy staying here. i am working for a trading company as an assistant manager in the overseas distribution section. thank 外企面试一分钟英文自我介绍 篇6
hello, everybody. i am ning cai chen from beijing, i am working for an agent for a electric company in beijing. it is about five months since i came to the united states, and i miss my family very much. itll be several months before they come here, and i hope to continue to have an enjoyable single life till then. 外企面试一分钟英文自我介绍 篇7
nice to meet you!my name is xxx,i am twenty years old. i major in touri and hotel management at xi’an foreign affairs college and then i will graduate in june this i am working in mei hua jin tang banquet hall, i want to work at the front desk to learn some more knowledges so please give me a chance,i will try my best to do k 外企面试一分钟英文自我介绍 篇8
good morning everyone, my name is am xx years graduated from have a dream since i was a dream that one day i can fly in the blue sky like the i have the chance to make it come i can take this ’ll try my best to do everything i love this you .
外企面试一分钟英文自我介绍 篇9
i’m very glad to join in the t,let me introduce myself to name is ,i’m 20 years old,i come from zhe jiang,and i’m an outgoing girl,i like philosophy and yes,i hope that i can do something for the beijing you give me the great chance,i won’t let you ,that’s hope that you are satisfied with me,thank you! .
外企面试一分钟英文自我介绍 篇10
hello! my name is wusi,who come from a very beautiful like computer and want to improve mysel, so i want to join the new class. in my opoion,i am creative and there are something thati don”t know,i promise i will do my best to become a it “s all. thank you !
外企面试一分钟英文自我介绍 篇11
hello,my name is .i am xx years graduatedfrom have a dream sincei was a dream that one day i can fly in the blue sky like the bird. nowi have the chance to make it come true. if i can take this job. i’ll try my bestto do everything i love this 外企面试一分钟英文自我介绍 篇12
i am zhang xx, i graduated from wuhan technology and engineer university in june, specialized field is computer technology and science and my major course is software engineering. before graduation ,i passed the interview of isoftstone company in april, on may 1st,2009, i won the duty as a java software engineer and worked in three months,i passed the asses ent of the company and i was arranged into the shanghai branch of the 外企面试一分钟英文自我介绍 篇13
i’m a high school graduating student, i’ve been dreaming of the career as a pilot since i was a child, and i sometimes look at the sky, hoping that one day i can spread my wings. i took part in the aircraft model class during my years in secondary school, and the team i was in won the provincial second prize. since i’m graduating now, i hope i have the opportunity to become a pilot and see my dream come 外企面试一分钟英文自我介绍 篇14
hello, i am xxx from xx class. i have a cheerful personality and have a wide range of hobbies. i am particularly fond of broadcasting (and i can add my own radio experience).
the reason for joining the radio station is that i hope to be able to give full play to my strengths and serve the teachers and students of the school, while also allowing myself to learn from the experience and have fun. just give me the chance, i believe i can do the job 外企面试一分钟英文自我介绍 篇15
my name is xxx. i am an outgoing girl. i have many hobbies, such as basketball, football, reading and so on. among them i like reading best because when i am reading, i am very happy. reading helps me to know things that i do not know before. in my family there are four other members, my grandfather, grandmother, father and mother. my parents are strict with me while my grandparents are kind to me. i love them all and i want to study hard in return for their kindness to 外企面试一分钟英文自我介绍 篇16
first and foremost, i pany. i alpany that i plete assignments on don’t banish anything from my life because from everything ething. i am alputer skills include microsoft office — word, excel, popany, i am responsibility for receiving and sending letters abroad, receiving the visitors and maintaining old customers and developing neers. and i have developed a nee domestic customers by the past tpany ing part of the action team. thank you.



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